All Images: Mochithings
I know it's a little early to start thinking about what we plan to do next year and we still have Christmas to get through but it got me thinking... I don't usually make New Year's Goals and even if I did, I don't think I've ever kept to them except the one year when we had Leo!
May be next year is different as I set myself some goals... I'm gonna keep it realistic so you definitely won't see anything like 'exercising more' as that will never happen lol
1. Get my driving licence!! This is top priority!
I keep banging on about this here but I seriously need to get one EARLY next year. My husband told me, 'how can you not drive at your age! It's embarrassing!'. Well, I've never needed to drive back in London as we were centrally located with amazing travel connections. I was also one of the youngest in my class to turn 17 (birthday being during the holidays) so by the time we were back from summer holidays, everyone had been learning and driving over the holidays and the excitement of driving was sort of taken away lol But once I can drive, I'm sure my world will open up!
2. Start cooking and baking more...
I do cook but probably not near as much as I should or can. It's more of an excuse really, but back in London we had a small supermarket just across the road so it was easy to just pop by and grab stuff but here in Mauritius, you need to go everywhere by car. I'm no MasterChef but it would be nice to start baking a little also.
3. Keep blogging
I started blogging back in 2011 but it didn't last long and I restarted again back in March this year. It's been 8 months now so hopefully I can continue to blog into next year.
What would people like to read more of next year?
4. Start a fun hobby, learn new skills or even go back to work! (gasp!)
Currently I'm a stay-at-home-mum but I would love to be able to do something next year. Leo has started to go to nursery for half the day so hopefully it will give me the opportunity to start a new hobby or even start a new mini venture! Blogging is something I started partly to keep me busy at home but it would be nice to start working and earning again after nearly 3 years!
But surprisingly, 75% of resolutions will only continue through the first week of January and only 46% make it past 6 months... Well that doesn't sound promising but lets see how far I get.
What's your goals for next year?
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