So my son's 2nd birthday is now finally over and done, we've finally moved into our new home (woohoo!) and parents have safely landed and are currently enjoying Mauritius.
Leo had just recovered from a cold about a week prior to his party but unfortunately caught another one a few days later. We were worried that he will not be well for his party but fortunately he seemed quite perky and happy on the day but the next few days were totally miserable.
He has now recovered fully from it and fingers crossed that it will be a while until he catches the next cold.
So the original idea was a circus theme but this is how the party went...
Centrepiece table with all the goodies

Tarte Banane, Mirliton, Marshmallow Krispies Treats
I'm not exactly a great cook but I wanted to make something for his birthday so I decided to make these simple marshmallow rice krispies treats which reminded me of my childhood. So simple and quick to make, made last minute the night before. All with the personal touch of some DIY cake toppers.

Iced Cookies from Cake & Co
I also ordered some lovely iced cookies from Cake & Co who made these to order for the birthday. The cookies tasted very buttery like shortbread and were a lovely touch to add to the centrepiece table.
Birthday Cake from Ogu
The birthday cake was perfect! Made by Ogu and the inside was delicious almond cake and the fondant decoration was spot on! Loved the cake!!

There was also plenty of food to go around (enough for everyone to take plenty of extras home!)
Playdoh and Cookie Cutter Favors
For the party favor, I wanted to give something other than sweets and came up with the idea of mini size playdoh pots and cookie cutters, all tied with DIY thank you labels.
I didn't get to photograph but there was also blowing bubbles and bags of mini cakes and goodies too.

The Birthday Boy with all his pressies
I think the pictures say it all but Leo had a blast and was truly spoilt on this day.
Note to self: Must do more research on party supply stores for next year
Now a years rest until the 3rd birthday...
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